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R.I.P. Baer Fabrics (1905-2008)

"You have reached the Home Page of Baer Fabrics. After 103 years of service we are permanently closing our doors effective 5:30 PM on Saturday, July 19, 2008." Taken from their new home page.

Another big independent fabric store has closed.

Rogie and I were talking today about their closing. I hate to see things like this happen. I don't necessarily mind the Walmart, JoAnn's, and Hancock's closing stores. I don't like the layoffs and good people losing their jobs. But as fabric supply companies, they really miss the mark when it comes to fashion fabrics and supporting sewing and home grown fashion.

I hate seeing the independents go out though. It troubles me. The independents are the central point for home sewers to really find those fabrics that make it worth while to sew. It's the real fashion fabrics, not a polyester twill, that makes sewers want to sew. Much like an artist to a blank canvas, you put the right fabric in the hands of the right person and they can create a garment that is not only functional, but a piece of artistry.

It's a thrill to see my fabric visit me again as a garment worn by one of our sewers. I recognize all my fabrics when they return to the store worn by a customer. "All grown up as a garment." I say. It's a very, very rewarding feeling. It is self full-filling gratification, knowing I was right in buying that piece, because I can say to myself, "Look at what that turned into."

As for Rogie, she organizes the sewing classes. She is very upset because she loved the amount and diversity of classes Baer Fabrics offered. Their sewing community will suffer for their loss for sure. She was telling me Sandra Betzina hailed them as one of the elite stores for classes.

I recognize that their is a lot of attrition in this business lately. I hope we can keep up not only our motivation, but our sewing customers motivation for sewing and creating unique fashion pieces. Keep Sewing America!!!


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