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Showing posts from August, 2010

Used Industrial Sewing Machines for Sale.

Hello Everyone, I went to look at a fur and leather lot this morning and there were these used industrial sewing machines for sale. They are all in working order. I generally do not put bids in on the machines, but if anyone is interested in buying one, please email me and I will broker a deal for you. Email me at . Juki DDL 5550N Brother 600 Mark ll Singer 2OU33 Model 512 Juki DLD 432 4 Model as 4002 Singer 31 - 15 AF 057907 Bonis Fur Machine A18 Juki LU 563 Juki DDL 555

Deconstruction of a Simple Garment

My mom is in town for a visit.  The first thing she pulled out of her luggage was a black knit top.  “This is my workhorse. I need a couple more in black and in white. Can you help me out?” Copying ready-to-wear garments is becoming more popular.  You have spent $100 on a top that has simple construction, but now you want a couple more and figure you can make it yourself. But how? I laid the top on the hotel bed.  There were only the seams at the sides and shoulders, with the fabric extended slightly over the shoulders in lieu of actual sleeves.  Serged. No darts.  Basically, this was the finished version of taking a piece of fabric and cutting a hole in the middle for the head. “You know, ma, we have a video demo and some products for that.”  If I were to take the Bosal Pattern Tracing Interfacing and lay it over the garment, then trace the outer edge of the garment with my double tracing wheel, I would have the pattern from which to cut and se...

Organic and Eco-Friendly Fabrics

The popularity of going green and organic is becoming more and more part of everyday life. Living our lives in a healthier way and protecting the environment have become very PC and mainstream. I am now seeing more and more constructions of fabrics pushing that way as well. Many new types are being produced to be more environmentally friendly. Thus, eco friendly or organic are now offered by many of our vendors and mills. I’d like to explain what I have come to understand about this new segment of fabrics. The two types of collections I’ve seen are being promoted as organic or at least eco friendly. Organic textiles are grown in controlled settings with no pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals. Only natural fertilizers are used and the soil and water are monitored for contaminates. If a fiber is certified organic its growing conditions have been monitored and certified by an agency from one of the several organic trade associations worldwide. A fabric can be called organic as l...